Amy Norbom, LMBT, BCTMB
Board Certified Massage Therapist

Services & Rates

Swedish Massage

30 minutes: $85
60 minutes: $145
90 minutes: $180
120 minutes: $205

Swedish Massage is a very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility.

Orthopedic / Medical Massage

30 minutes: $85
60 minutes: $145
90 minutes: $180

Orthopedic / Medical massage is a style of massage therapy focused on treating painful conditions that affect the soft tissues of the body. Because orthopedic / medical massage is designed to treat medical conditions, it requires extensive training. It involves releasing tense muscles, helping to stretch and lengthen tight muscles and tendons, and decompress rigid joints. My goal is to restore full health to the soft tissues of your body, both treating your specific conditions as well as improving your overall well-being.

Relaxation & Pain Relief

30 minutes: $85
60 minutes: $145
90 minutes: $180
120 minutes: $205

Experience an Integrated Therapeutic Massage that is customized and tailored to your specific needs in achieving pain relief and deep relaxation.

Your Therapeutic Massage will incorporate a variety of advanced massage techniques that are a combination of a Swedish foundation with elements of Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Reflexology, Polarity Therapy, Lymphatic Massage, Cupping Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, and Orthopedic-Medical Massage.

This Therapeutic Massage approach aids in relieving stiff, sore muscles which promotes alleviation of chronic and acute muscle tension.  Increases relaxation and circulation while decreasing pain.  Achieving an over all balance of body energy and stress relief.  Enhancing the body's natural restorative functioning.




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30 Minute (6) Pack $390  (Save $20/session)

60 Minute (6) Pack $690  (Save $30/session)

90 Minute (6) Pack $840  (Save $40/session)

(*Specials may not be combined with any other discount or promotion.)